Little Debbie Inflatable Christmas Trees are Reselling Now

Yes, seriously

Little Debbie Inflatable Tree Reseller

By RC Staff

Key Points

  • Inflatable trees based on the Little Debbie snack are available for sale

  • There are two options for $100 each

  • The trees have resold in the past, but its unclear if they will continue to do so

Do you like sugar? Do you like it enough to dedicate a shrine to it in your home this Christmas? This year, you have the opportunity to pick up a Little Debbie Inflatable Christmas tree. The seven foot tall inflatable is made to look like the snack cakes of the same name, and is somehow even more nutritionally void. Of course, something this stupid was bound to catch the attention of snackers across the country, and we’ve already seen a few aftermarket sales well ahead of the season. Let’s dig in.

Inflatable Little Debbie Christmas Trees

So what the hell. Why is this a product? And why are people buying it?

Every year during the holiday season, companies will take a stab at cashing in on the festivities. We saw it last year with the release of the 3-pound Reeses Thanksgiving pies, and now everyone’s favorite cake-slinger is here to join the fun.

The Little Debbie Inflatable Christmas trees are available in two flavors colors, Vanilla and Chocolate. Visually, they’re pretty bland, but at least they have a big-ass “Little Debbie” logo on them so you can remember who’s in charge.

Doesn’t it just get your Christmas spirit all riled up and hungry? You should know, sugar is a big business in America, and people love to bring that kind of fun out of their pantries and into the foyer.

You can buy one of these trees directly from the Little Debbie website for $100. They have a fairly forgiving return policy too, if it turns out having an ugly plastic tree isn’t that appealing to you after all.

In addition to the folks seeking these out for their own sick pleasures, these inflatable trees have also attracted the attention of resellers.

Little Debbie Inflatable Christmas Trees Resell

Since October, these trees have periodically been made available for sale. Never in very large numbers, but enough to get people stoked.

Some of them made their way to resellers that opted to list them for significantly above retail. As of this writing, eBay has recorded at least four sales for these trees above retail, with a few going for more than $300.

Little Debbie Inflatable Christmas Tree for Sale

The major restock of them means that market is no longer alive. But there’s still plenty of 2023 left, and it’s possible that we’ll see a complete sell out of the trees before Christmas. If, and that’s a big if, a new market for them could emerge.

Make no mistake, this is not a surefire thing, but the fact we’ve already got confirmed aftermarket sales is a great sign. Apparently there are people out there bored or clueless enough to spend several hundred dollars on an advertisement for their living room.

If you do want to try your hand at reselling these trees, stick to the chocolate ones. Stock numbers for vanilla trees are significantly higher (~6,000), meaning the chocolate trees have a much better chance of selling out.

That’s all for now. If you want to learn more about reselling, subscribe to our newsletter. The holidays are great for flipping, and we’ll be looking at items like last year’s Target Menorahs and Hobby Lobby “Grinch” Christmas Trees.

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