Double your money in five minutes

They're already reselling for $300+ over MSRP

Quick $300 or so in profit

5090s are listed for $5K+

Flappy Bird all over again
PS5 Pro Anniversary consoles drop tomorrow
Sony has not confirmed a price or specific release time
Resellers believe they will flip for more than $2,000
Update: PlayStation’s 30th Anniversary Collection drops at 7 A.M. Pacific
Additionally, prices have leaked. PS5 Pro Anniversary Bundles will likely cost more than $1,100
Well, if you haven’t heard the news, PlayStation’s 30th Anniversary Collection drops tomorrow. The entire set has been getting great social media attention, especially the highly limited PS5 Pro variants. We’ll be covering all the details you need to know to maximize your chances of success, so sit tight and read close.
First, a little backstory. You can read our full article on the PS5 30th Anniversary Collection here for all the details, or skip ahead if you already know what’s up.
TL;DR, Sony is producing a new line of retro PlayStation 5s to celebrate the platform’s 30th birthday. Controllers and consoles will be available for preorder starting tomorrow through PlayStation Direct and major retailers.
While the whole collection is cool, resellers and collectors will be focusing exclusively on the PS5 Pro 30th Anniversary Bundles. These are limited to just 12,300 units globally, and will be very, very popular. Expect to see them flip for a serious markup, and just hope that you’re on the right side of that sale.
That’s pretty much all we need to go over. New collection, positive reception, some of it is very limited. Fairly simple equation for a reseller. Let’s get into some important details on the upcoming drop.
Sony has yet to publicly confirm how much the PS5 Pro Anniversary Bundles will cost. However, EB Games Australia has apparently leaked a preorder page for their PS5 Pro Anniversary consoles for $1,650 AUD.
This comes out to about $1,100, in line with our predictions on the price. That said, PS5 Pro Anniversary Bundles were only supposed to be sold through PlayStation Direct, so we’re not sure why EB Games has (or had) them listed.
If you want a hard number, here’s our advice: be prepared to spend more than $1,000 for a PS5 Pro Anniversary. These are very limited, very hyped consoles, and Sony knows it. If you’re going after tomorrow’s drop, expect to drop some cash.
An earlier version of this article mentioned Sony had not confirmed any release time. While that’s still true, the PlayStation Direct queue shows that that the 30th Anniversary collection will be available for preorder at 7 A.M. Pacific.
As for right now, set an alarm for tomorrow morning and make sure you have your account set up and details filled in beforehand (more details below). Don’t be the one who carts a PS5 but is busy filling out their apartment number while the collection sells out.
With the most important details ironed out (as best we can), let’s lay out a game plan. If you’ve never bought anything through PlayStation Direct before, pay attention.
For starters, remember that the PlayStation 30th Anniversary Collection is divided into different categories.
The most popular items like the limited edition DualShock controllers and PS5 Pro Bundles will only be available through PlayStation Direct, while the rest of the collection will be sold through other retailers and directly through Sony.
If you’re interested in reselling the PS5 Anniversary Collection, you should only be going after the items on PlayStation Direct.
Obviously, you’ll need to make an account on Sony’s website if you don’t have one already. You’ll need to provide basic account information including a name and address. Make sure this info is accurate.
Next, add payment info to your account. A major credit card is the best option. While you’re doing this, ensure that you have a billing and shipping address added to your account as well, and quadruple-check all your information has been entered correctly and is accurate.
If you’re having trouble adding a payment method to your PlayStation account through the website, use this link and navigate to “payment methods”.
Once you’ve done all that, you’re ready for tomorrow. You’ll need to be logged in and ready when the queue opens, and more than a little lucky to get a spot at the front. If you get the opportunity to buy a PS5 Pro 30th Anniversary Bundle, don’t hesitate; we expect to see these flip for thousands.
Getting in right when the queue opens is critical. There are a couple ways to help with that; constantly refreshing the page is a common one, although a web monitor is a much more efficient method that’s easier on the finger.
The easiest way is just receive a notification when the queue opens. Of course, RC Elite members are already coordinating for tomorrow’s release, and will be pinged instantly when preorders open. If that sounds useful to you, maybe you should join RC Elite too.
Before we wrap up completely, let’s go over some questions you might be asking ahead of tomorrow’s drop.
As far as we can tell, no. Sony has been pretty light on the details thus far so we don’t have explicit confirmation, but it seems like the sale of the PS5 Pro 30th Anniversary Bundles will be global, along with the entire collection.
That’s good and bad. It’s good because it means the 12,300 unit number Sony gave us refers to the entire stock, worldwide. Compare that to the estimated 55 million+ PS5s Sony has sold so far, and you get a very rare and very, very valuable console. Harder to buy, easy to sell.
Well, since this website is called “Resell Calendar”, we’re going to assume the question is being asked by a scalper. If you’re only interested in making a profit from this collection, the only thing you should buy is the PS5 Pro 30th Anniversary Bundle.
These are the only items Sony has confirmed a product limit for, and they will be the most valuable. It’s sounding like one of the DualSense variants might be limited, but they will be much more risky.
Do not buy the PS5 Digital or PlayStation Portal controllers from this collection. Only the Pro Bundles are explicitly limited, and buying the wrong console will be a waste of your time and money.
Almost definitely no. This is pure conjecture on our part, but we seriously doubt Sony will produce another run of Anniversary edition PS5 Pros.
Why? Well, for one they’ve put a tremendous amount of marketing behind these products, and emphasized the limited production numbers. Customers who secure a PS5 Pro Anniversary Edition will feel wronged if Sony just churns out another run of them in a few weeks.
Additionally, all of the PS5 Pro 30th Anniversary consoles are individually numbered from 1 to 12,300. These have an explicit ceiling on their quantity limits, and any new production would contradict that.
That said, Sony is a corporation, and corporations like to make money. It’s possible, but unlikely, that they will make more of them after tomorrow’s sale.
However, there’s a chance we’ll see a restock of PS5 Pro Anniversary Bundles without any new production. Immediately after a big sale like this, some customers may cancel their orders. These consoles don’t start shipping until November, and it’s possible Sony will restock their website with these canceled orders.
If that happens, it will be 1) much closer to the shipping date; likely mid-October, and 2) extremely limited. This is one of the most hyped console releases of the decade; who is going to cancel their orders? Still, if you miss out, stay vigilant.
Now for the fun part. To tell the truth, we haven’t put much thought into what these consoles will actually flip for. We know they’ll be profitable, and at this point it’s kind of a “let’s see what people will pay” situation for many resellers.
But numbers are fun and people like something to quote. On the low end, we’re thinking PlayStation 5 Pro Anniversary Bundles will resell for $2,000. Some eBay sellers have begun to make presale listings, and these are usually starting at or above the $2,000 mark.
Of course, that’s conservative. One brave scalper has come to the attention of the PS5 subreddit and major journalists. Rather than selling the console, they’ve offered to “attempt” to buy the console on behalf of someone else.
Their quoted price? Just $10,000. Whether this a joke, genuine, or some good old fashioned reseller-on-collector psychological warfare, we don’t know. It does give you an idea of what some people think this console might be worth.
And that’s pretty much the short of it. Tomorrow’s drop really isn’t very different from any other hyped product release.
Be ready, be early, be fast, and be lucky. Don’t hesitate to buy if you get the chance. We’ll be wishing you and every other blackhearted, amoral, unemployed scalper the best of luck tomorrow. Here’s to 12,300 ruined Christmases.
But before you go, make sure you subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on everything worth reselling. There’s way more than just consoles out there; check out our articles on Hot Wheels’ recent NFT Batmobile collection or Ms. Rachel’s sold out kids’ toys to see more examples of what else is flipping.
Double your money in five minutes
They're already reselling for $300+ over MSRP
Quick $300 or so in profit
5090s are listed for $5K+
Flappy Bird all over again