Signed Tenacious D Coloring Books: What's the Catch?

Limited and signed, or something else entirely?

Tenacious D Autograph Coloring Book Reseller

By RC Staff

Key Points

  • Tenacious D is making a coloring book, with a special limited signed edition

  • Just 1,000 signed books were available, but stock numbers indicate much more

  • It’s unclear what will happen now after several thousand books have already been bought

Tenacious D fans, rejoice; your time has come. In June, Jack Black and Kyle Gass announced their latest venture: an officially licensed, 80 page Tenacious D-themed coloring book. Perfect for children of all ages, the Tenacious D Coloring Book is expected to be available in September. Additionally, there’s another option for dedicated fans. 1,000 signed Tenacious D Coloring Books would be sold ahead of the launch. However, after inspecting stock numbers, it seems like much, much more than 1,000 were being sold. What’s the real story?

Tenacious D Coloring Book

Well, there’s not a whole lot to say here. It’s a coloring book. It’s about Tenacious D. The pages they’ve shared have been pretty varied, touching on several different pop culture references. Considering Tenacious D’s recent work like “Video Games”, that’s about what you’d expect.

These were first announced in June, and preorders opened soon after. They can be bought through Tenacious D’s site, Amazon, Barnes and Noble; really anywhere that sells books.

If you’re not a Tenacious D fan, they don’t seem particularly special. Just another piece of band merch. Well, you’d be right, more or less, but there’s a special edition out there. Signed Tenacious D Coloring Books were also available for sale, and that’s what we’re looking at.

Autographed Tenacious D Coloring Book

In addition to the standard copies, Tenacious D also announced a special limited-edition and signed Tenacious D Coloring Book. Even more impressive, these were only $25. Yeah, $25 for two signatures from the members of Tenacious D. That’s worth paying attention to.

According to the Amazon listing where they’re sold, the signed Tenacious D Coloring Books were limited to 1,000 total copies. That’s about standard for autographed merch, or a little on the high side.

Signed Tenacious D Coloring Book Amazon

Well, it turns out that these were absolutely NOT limited to 1,000. After pulling stock, it showed that 999,999 books were currently loaded. Many RC Elite members loaded up on the books, and they were in stock for three days at least. More than enough time for resellers and fans to gorge themselves on orders, which had no quantity limit either.

So, what happens now? Jack Black and Kyle Gass seem to be pretty friendly with their fans, but it seems unlikely that they’ll be signing the several thousand copies of books sold in the last few days. Will there be a statement? Will they try to do something about it? Will Amazon cancel all the orders? Right now we’re just waiting to see.

Incidentally, we’ve already seen aftermarket sales for signed Tenacious D Coloring Books. Not really enough to draw any conclusions, but it’s worth noting a few people actually went to eBay to find one for sale. These are signed versions of the coloring book that were available at SDCC.

Signed Tenacious D Coloring Book For Sale

Maybe the members of Tenacious D will decide to honor the orders anyways. How long would it take to sign 10,000 books anyway? A few hours? They’re rockstars after all, surely they can take a day to sign some coloring books for scalpers.

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