Target Rolls Out Tippi Hedren Fabric Birds for Pride 2024

And they're reselling

Target Tippi Hedren Pride Fabric Bird Reseller

By RC Staff

Key Points

  • Target is selling new Featherly Friends based on Tippi Hedren

  • At just $5, these are a very popular part of Target’s 2024 Pride collection

  • Resellers have flipped them for more than $40

So quick question, what’s the best way to celebrate Pride Month? Correct, buying things at big box stores. If you’ve got cash and you’re running out of Pride flags to buy, Target has just the product you need. They’re selling new fabric birds based on Tippi Hedren’s appearance in Hitchcock’s 1963 film “The Birds”. Target’s fabric birds have been extremely profitable for resellers in the past, and these new ones are looking just as juicy. Let’s get to it.

Target Movie Star Featherly Friend

If you’re not familiar with queer culture, the connection between “The Birds” and Pride Month can seem a little tenuous. We’re not experts either, but Alfred Hitchcock’s 1963 thriller is popular within the LGBT community for scenes of subtle sexual tension between its leading women.

The film was Tippi Hedren’s first appearance on the big screen. Hitchcock signed her to a seven year contract, then proceeded to sexually harass her during the production of the film. After she rejected him, she was repeatedly injured during filming.

How barbaric! At least Hollywood has come a long way since then, and abusers like this can’t get away with it anymore. And it’s definitely not like 100+ celebrities have signed a petition in support of a known rapist and pedophile!

Because this is 2024, and things are different. Anyways, let’s get back to the topic at hand. Target has started selling a new addition to their “Featherly Friends” collection of fabric bird figurines.

The “Movie Star” Featherly Friends are based on Tippi Hedren’s appearance in “The Birds”. “Celebrate a bygone era of Hollywood with the vintage style of this Pride Movie Star Featherly Friend”, complete with a striped headscarf, pearl necklace, and small raven on her shoulder.

Tippi Hedren Fabric Bird Target Featherly Friend

Target is selling these Tippi Hedren Fabric Birds for $5. There’s also an accompanying Aston Martin replica sold separately for $12 if you want the whole package.

Target Pride Fabric Birds

So at this point, you might be wondering why the hell we care about these birds. Well, there’s actually a sizable collector’s community built up around Target’s Featherly Friends collection.

We’ve covered a few of their most popular releases in the past. One of these came out just ahead of last year’s Pride Month, the Drag Queen Fabric Bird.

Target Drag Queen Labird for sale eBay

These absolutely blew up on TikTok at the time, and we made a killing by flipping them. Since then, Target has produced other popular fabric birds, and they’ve been especially popular within the LGBT community.

Target Tippi Hedren Fabric Birds Resell

Now that Pride Month is here, it seems like Target is dead set on making some serious rainbow money all month long. These Tippi Hedren Featherly Friends are just one part of a huge 2024 Pride collection.

But they’re the part that interests us the most. At only $5 and widely stocked at most Target locations, they’re very attractive for in-store flippers, and the intense popularity of other Target fabric bird figurines gives resellers a green light.

Right now, Target Tippi Hedren Fabric Birds are reselling for $15 to $30, representing three times or more in total profit.

Tippi Hedren Fabric Bird for Sale

And while that’s solid, early sales when these first released were upwards of $40 at a time for a single bird. Bundled together with the convertible, we’ve seen a small handful of sales in the $50-$60 range, but it seems like most collectors are only interested in the bird itself.

Our recommendation? Next time you’re at Target, check their Pride section. If they have a surplus of these birds on their shelf, why not load up your cart? They’re just $5, and you can potentially triple your money by flipping them online.

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