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Starbucks is producing special Halloween-themed seasonal cups
Green Slime Starbucks Cups and Oil Slick Tumblers are selling for $30
Cups can be found at both Starbucks and Target, and they are already reselling
Do you crave something green, dripping, and glow-in-the-dark to drink your Starbucks out of? No? Well, too bad, because that’s what we’re looking at today. Starbucks has dropped a new collection of seasonal drink cups, many of which are being sold through Target as well. After being picked up by TikTok, these cups have started to sell out at most locations, and are now a prime target for resellers. Flipping these cups is an easy way to some quick profit ahead of Halloween.
Now don’t worry, it’s not as gross as it sounds. The Starbucks Slime Cups are really just a standard tumbler made from neon-green plastic. The lids and tops resemble an oozing green slime, similar in appearance to Nickelodeon’s secret formula.
These cups have recently become available through Starbucks and Target for the 2023 Halloween season. Starbucks Slime Cups are $30, and hold 24 ounces of super-sweetened “coffee”. We’re talking about them today because they’re virally popular on TikTok, and are sold out everywhere.
Keep an eye out for them at Starbucks locations and your local Target. There are multiple varieties of the slime cup, but green versions seem to be the most popular and likely to resell.
We also have (significantly) better looking version of a Halloween drink cup. These are skull-shaped, multicolored mugs. Purples, greens, and blues meld together to produce the “oil slick” appearance they’re nicknamed for.
@nataliepico Do not let me buy another mug. #imdone I need a friend to teach me how to make them #starbucks #skull #mug #target
There are both mugs and 24 ounce tumblers made with this design. The tumblers are $30, while mugs are around $15. It’s worth noting that that these products are sorta, kinda, technically not released yet. Some stores are getting them, some aren’t, and it’s expected a full release will come on September 12.
It’s worth checking any retailer near you that might be carrying them, because all of Starbucks’ seasonal cups and mugs are reselling.
For people that don’t balk at spending $10 every morning for a slurry of sugar, whipped cream, and shitty coffee, forking over cash to a reseller for a sippy cup is no big deal. Many of these cups have already sold at a premium through eBay, and many more have been listed for sale.
Right now, Starbucks Slime Cups are reselling for upwards of $50, making resellers around $20 per cup they sell. Decent profit, especially if you’re flipping them local. Starbucks Oil Slick Tumblers are a little less popular, going for around $40. Mugs are the real winner here, with sales of $40 or even $50, but are also the hardest to find.
Check your local Targets and Starbucks locations for any of these cups when you have a chance. Picking up a few to resell is worth it, and the profit will pay for more than a few cups of actually palatable coffee.
Want tips like these sent directly to your inbox? Subscribe to our newsletter, and stay updated about everything worth reselling. Halloween is a great time to start flipping items for profit, and we’ve covered recent Halloween decorations that are reselling, Disney Oogie Boogie Bash tickets that have flipped for double their retail price, even Pumpkin Spice scented trash bags.
Double your money in five minutes
They're already reselling for $300+ over MSRP
Quick $300 or so in profit
5090s are listed for $5K+
Flappy Bird all over again