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For the second year in a row, Hefty is producing pumpkin spice scented garbage bags
At $5 a pop, the 20 packs are only available in stores
Desperate people are paying $30 to resellers for a pack
It’s looking like another win for the most annoying people in the world. Hefty has brought back their unholy pumpkin spice-scented kitchen trash bags. Appalled? Intrigued? Strangely hungry? Whatever your thoughts on the matter, one thing is clear about these bags: they’re selling out. In fact, it seems like enough people are desperate to get their hands on them that resellers are turning a profit flipping trash bags. Let’s take a look
Fall is less than a month away. Leaves changing colors, cooler weather (please), and cinnamon everywhere. It’s objectively the best season, regardless of what anyone thinks.
If pumpkin spice is your thing, we’ve got something you’ll love. Hefty announced this week that their pumpkin spice flavored scented trash bags will be returning to stores across the country. The bags were first debuted last Fall, and evidently the reception was strong enough to see them resurrected.
It’s truly a perplexing product. Like, even if you love the smell of pumpkin spice, why would you want it to be mingling with garbage smells? It seems like a shortcut to Pavlov-ing your brain into despising the smell. It’s like setting one of your favorite songs as your alarm in the morning: give it a few weeks and it’ll be ruined for you.
Maybe it’s a galaxy brain play by Hefty to strike back against pumpkin spice lovers. More likely, it’s an opportunity to make some money. Last year’s pumpkin spice trash bags were incredibly popular for their novelty alone, and apparently the public outcry had them bring it back.
You can buy Hefty pumpkin spice trash bags at most retailers, Walmart, Target, Kroger; wherever you do your shopping. You can probably pick up a pumpkin spice latte while you’re at the store and reflect on your life choices.
Well, theoretically you can buy it in stores. For one, it doesn’t seem like these are available everywhere. You might have to scout out a few locations to find one brave enough to stock it. Additionally, even if a store near you is selling pumpkin spice trash bags, they may have already sold out. It seems like demand for them is strong enough for supply to run out in some places.
Hefty also doesn’t sell these online. Your only option is to find a pack in-store, and that seems to not be an option for everyone. Because of this, some folks have found that they can flip these products online for more than they paid.
It’s still pretty earlier and Fall hasn’t even started yet, but we’ve already seen a few aftermarket sales for these bags. Right now, a 20 pack of Hefty Pumpkin Spice Trash Bags is reselling for around $40. After buying them at retail for $6, that’s some easy profit for a reseller lucky enough to find a pack in the wild.
So next time you’re at the store, check for these trash bags. If you can resist their charms, you have a ticket to make $30. You can buy a whole lot of pumpkin spice lattes with that kind of money. Well, actually you can buy like five or six. Hey, a flip is a flip.
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These will sell out soon
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If you're a reseller, it's looking like a yes