Analogue 3D NES Consoles Continue to Resell

Easy $200+ in profit

Analogue 3D Reseller N64 Emulator

By RC Staff

Key Points

  • Analogue restocked their 3D console this week

  • They are $250 and have been out of stock for months

  • Resellers are flipping them for over $500

If you’re looking for a way to play your favorite N64 games at a 4K resolution, you need to get yourself one of Analogue’s 3D consoles. We covered these a few months ago, and now they’ve restocked in a new color. The hype remains strong for the Analogue 3D, enough for them to continue to resell all the way into the new year. Here’s what you need to know.

Analogue 3D Restock

There’s good money in nostalgia. Whether it’s companies re-re-releasing their old products with inflated price tags, artists churning out “anniversary editions” of their breakthrough albums, or independent teams coming up with new spins on outdated technology.

You might already be familiar with Analogue. We first covered the retrotech developer in 2023 while they were working on a reimagined version of the classic Gameboy.

In October, Analogue revealed the 3D. This a new console designed to play Nintendo N64 games natively at a 4K resolution. The heart of Analogue’s work is the field-programmable gate arrays; a highly versatile technology that allows their consoles to interface with Nintendo’s cartridges without emulation.

The Analogue 3D retailed through Analogue’s online store for $250 in the weeks after its reveal, and quickly found popularity among the retro gaming community.

We covered them at the same time. Based on our prior experience with the Analogue Pocket, we recommended resellers to jump on the opportunity and flip 3D consoles during the intense hype of the launch period.

Analogue 3D N64 Console Resells

If you followed our advice back then, you’d have been able to snag some quick profits of $200 to $250 at a time. Analogue has really nailed the marketing for these new consoles, and they’re as much of a limited edition collectible as they are a fully functional gaming platform.

And to our surprise, that hype has continued over the last few months. Analogue restocks their 3D consoles sporadically, and new preorder batches typically have wait times of two to three months before they start shipping.

The result? A perfect product for resellers. Right now, Analogue 3D N64 consoles are reselling for over $500 at a time, more or less what they were selling for back in October.

Analogue 3D N64 Restock for Sale

They’re out of stock right now, so you’ll need to wait for the next restock. Analogue limits the 3D consoles to two per customer, so snagging a full cart means up to $500 in profit from a single flip.

We’d certainly call that good enough. If you want to learn more about reselling and stay tuned in to the latest flips, make sure you subscribe to our newsletter. We cover anything and everything worth flipping, but you won’t hear about any of it if you’re not subscribed.

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