It's not just Kanye

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Clothes are a popular and profitable niche for resellers
Both new and old clothes resell, and there are a variety of ways to buy them
Flipping clothes can be either a hobby or a job
For many resellers, buying and selling clothes is how they first started reselling. Not only is it a great way to make some easy money, but it can also be quite enjoyable. Some prefer to resell clothes as a hobby, and making a few extra bucks is just a bonus. No matter what your interests are or your experience level, we’re confident that anyone can learn to flip clothes for profit. Stick around while we dive into what the aftermarket for clothes looks like in 2023.
Streetwear and reselling are deeply linked. Many resellers first entered the scene by trading jackets and shoes, and got a taste for the potential profits. Now in 2023, the market for clothes has only continued to grow, with new and used products reselling for way more than they ever retailed for.
And while people like to harp about resellers, they’re responsible for sustaining a network for people to buy the clothes they want. Without resellers, many clothes that we see being traded and collected today may have wound up in the trash, and new releases would not have the same hype.
Depending on your own interests, free time, and available cash, there are a few different ways to get into reselling clothes. The most obvious is going after new clothes. There are all kinds of fashion brands, from the biggest designers to niche names, and many of their new releases sell out in minutes. Getting in on these drops can be incredibly profitable.
Alternatively, you can try your hand at flipping secondhand clothes. This is where many resellers cut their teeth, and you might find you get a kick out of hunting for threads – and deals. Reselling vintage clothes is great because trends are constantly changing. What’s cheap and out of style today may be the hottest product in a few months.
All together, reselling clothes is a great way to combine style with business. It’s up to you to choose what you sell and how much time you invest, and flipping clothes could be anything from a hobby to a full-time job.
As with everything, the last few years have changed the market around clothes, both new and used. More resellers and flippers have entered the market, so competition on new drops is tougher, and brands have taken steps to try and stop resellers from controlling the market.
Thrifting has grown from a niche hobby to a widely acknowledged phenomenon. It’s not just for hipsters and high schoolers anymore, and more people shopping at thrift stores means it’s getting harder to find those diamond-in-the-rough clothes lately.
This is something we’ve talked a lot about lately. Since the pandemic, reselling as a whole has grown massively. It seems like more and more people are seeking to escape the confines of traditional work, and look to reselling as a way to achieve financial independence. Obviously we love to hear that, but more people entering the space also means things will get more competitive.
It’s not all doom and gloom though. It’s still entirely possible to profit from flipping clothes in 2023, and we’ve seen a few changes in the market that bode well for resellers.
For one, the concepts of “designer”, “fashionable” and “stylish” have all been expanding in recent years. Who would have expected Carhartt and Gildan tees to be reselling in 2023? The fact is, viral trends and influencers have changed the game when it comes to fashion, and people are getting more experimental with what they consider stylish.
@halleykate I could do a million of these “thrift tip” videos but here are a couple of my fav sections!! #fyp #thrift #fashion #sustainablefashion #style #outfit
The bottom line? There are more people out there willing to pay a premium for more clothes. If you’re style-inclined yourself, that just means finding the hottest clothes out there before the rest of the pack is even looking for them.
For this article, we’ll be splitting clothes into two categories: new and used (or secondhand, vintage, upcycled; whatever trendy word you want to use). Buying and selling the two have a few key differences worth noting.
Here’s where you’ll probably want to start if you’re just getting started with reselling. Flipping new clothes can be very profitable if you go after the right threads, and most of the time you’ll be buying online. It’s nice to make money from home when you can.
First, you’re going to want to start paying attention to upcoming clothing drops. Learn about the most popular clothing brands to resell like Supreme, Nike, and Louis Vuitton. These companies will often put out previews and lookbooks for their upcoming releases, and these are a good way to anticipate what clothes will be sold in the coming weeks.
Social media will be your best friend as a clothes reseller. Get other people’s opinions on upcoming drops, and pay attention to what influencers are saying about them especially. Viral trends on TikTok and Twitter can make the value of an item skyrocket, and buyers will be fighting each other for the chance to buy a hyped product off you.
There are a few factors that go into what an article of clothing will flip for. Before buying, always consider these, as they will determine what a buyer is willing to pay.
Of course, if you prefer getting a little more hands-on, you can always resell used clothes. We’ve seen an absolute explosion in demand over the last few years for secondhand clothes of kinds, whether they’re five years old or fifty. It seems like the term “vintage” gets a little wider every year.
Reselling used clothes has a number of advantages. For one, there’s a whole lot more clothes available for sale secondhand than new. Finding and buying them typically doesn’t involve the same level of competition, at least compared to a hyped midnight release.
Thrifting can be time consuming, but that’s not an issue if you enjoy doing it. Heading out to your local thrift stores, Goodwills, and discount clothing shops can be as much a leisure activity as it is a way to make money, especially if you like the feeling of hunting for new clothes.
Garage sales, moving sales, and local flea markets can be goldmines for clothes to resell. We’ve also seen a trend in the last few years of specialty stores that sell “upcycled” clothes like Buffalo Exchange. These are generally not a great source of clothes to resell, as they tend to charge high prices. Still, they can be worth checking occasionally.
This all begs the question: what should you be reselling?
As we mentioned before, the last few years have seen a huge surge in interest for thrifted clothes, and the brands people are buying may surprise you. While Supreme and Nike are still quite popular, there are plenty of other brands that are reselling, many of which aren’t exactly “designer”.
When you’re looking at clothes to flip, pay attention to the labels and price tags. Many older luxury brands have made their way into unlikely places, and are being sold for incredibly cheap prices.
Here’s what you should be looking for:
Flipping clothes in 2023 may seem like a lot of work, but it can be very lucrative. Every day, sites like Grailed, Depop, and Mercari record thousands of sales for clothes both new and used, and there are tons of resellers making easy money by flipping clothes.
If you’re ready to take your reselling game to the next level, it might be time to join RC Elite. You’ll be able to connect with a team of other resellers, and learn about new opportunities before they hit your Twitter timeline. Sick of missing out? Tired of watching other resellers cook? Ready to start making their successes yours? Join RC Elite!
In the meantime, make sure you’re subscribed to our newsletter for more updates on the hottest items to resell.
It's not just Kanye
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