Sweethearts "Situationship" Candies Are Reselling Now

Because sincerity is lame

Sweethearts Situationship Candy Reseller

By RC Staff

Key Points

  • Sweethearts is selling defective candy hearts for Valentine’s Day

  • The first drop on January 8 sold out fast, another is scheduled for February 2

  • Resellers have been flipping the boxes for $20

Okay, Valentine’s Day is coming up. That might not mean much to a lot of our readers, chances are at least some of you have a special someone. Well, Sweethearts is producing the perfect product for the average Zoomer couple: Situationship candies. These have proven so popular that the manufacturer can’t keep up with demand, and now resellers have stepped in to make a buck.

Situationship Candy Hearts

You may have seen some data recently about Generation Z’s struggles with love. Compared to previous generations, Zoomers are having less sex, going on less dates, and finding less love.

The internet is full of theories and longwinded Medium pieces on the subject, and that’s not really the focus of this blog.

One interesting trend is that Zoomers and late millennials are more likely to participate in “situationships” – poorly defined romantic entanglements that blur the lines between a fling and a thing. And like most generational crises, a corporation has found a way to profit from it.

Sweethearts is taking their blurriest, least legible and most mixed messages and packaging them for sale as “Situationships” boxes. Tell that somewhat-special someone just how you kinda feel about them in an ironic and still slightly hurtful way.

We have to give Sweethearts some credit here; figuring out a way to sell defective goods while simultaneously appealing to irony-poisoned Zoomers is a marketing trickshot, and they appear to have stuck the landing.

Sweethearts Situationships Candy Resells

Even ahead of the holiday, these candies are proving popular. “Situationships” candy hearts first became available for sale earlier this month through Sweethearts’ webstore. According to the company, “an overage in situationships” has resulted in the boxes selling out.

Currently, Sweethearts “Situationships” candy hearts are reselling for around $20 per box. Not anything too crazy, sure, but that’s more than five times what they retailed for. Clever resellers have bundled several boxes together and sold them all at once for a bigger payday.

Sweethearts Situationship Candy for Sale

If you missed the first drop, don’t worry. Sweethearts has confirmed that their “Situationships” candies will be restocking soon. Mark your calendars for February 2, because new boxes will be available for a limited time.

Situationship Candy Restock

Sell it, eat it, give it to someone and see how they react; we don’t really care. You have the information, do with it what you will.

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