Stevie Nicks Barbies Are Flipping for $150 on eBay

Rumours? No, this is all true

Stevie Nicks Barbie Reselller

By RC Staff

Key Points

  • Mattel has produced a Stevie Nicks Barbie

  • Unlike most releases, these dolls dropped late at night

  • This allowed resellers to stock up on them, and they’re now flipping for 3X retail

Looking for a holiday gift? Or maybe you’re just a Fleetwood Mac fan in search of your next big purchase? Either way, we have something cool for Stevie Nicks lovers and resellers. Last week Mattel dropped a Stevie Nicks Barbie, which was first shown off by the artist herself during a concert. When the dolls went live they sold in just a few hours, and now resellers are making hundreds by flipping these Barbies. Let’s take a look.

Stevie Nicks Barbies Sell Out

Hopefully we don’t need to introduce Stevie Nicks. One of the leading members of Fleetwood Mac, Nicks has gone on to have a multi-decade career as one of America’s most treasured artists.

What better way to celebrate her legacy than with her very own Barbie? Obviously, this year has been pretty big for the doll, and we’ve seen a ton of high profile collaborations between Mattel and various public figures recently.

For the Stevie Nicks Barbie, they went with a classic look based on her appearance in the 70s. A variety of costumes were combined into one, which Mattel describes as “ethereal”, with a skirt that “drapes and swirls like smoke”

Stevie Nicks Barbie Box

She’s even got the signature 6-inch platform heels that Nicks often wore while performing. And of course, we’ve also got some long, long, long sleeves to complete the look.

As in the hit song Rhiannon, Stevie looks ready to take to the sky like a bird in flight with her flowing chiffon statement sleeves


The Stevie Nicks Barbie was first revealed on October 1st, during a performance by Stevie Nicks at Madison Square Garden.

Mattel would go on to sell the dolls the same night. Stevie Nicks Barbies were available to purchase for $55 through a variety of retailers starting at 9 P.M. Pacific. Mattel had been hinting at a new release in the days leading up to the drop, so resellers were ready to stock up.

Because these dolls dropped so late at night, it actually took a while for them to sell out. Usually for hyped Barbies like these, stock is gone in under 10 minutes. For the Stevie Nicks Barbies, it took around three hours for all of the retailers to run out of supply.

It also seems like quantity limits for these dolls were pretty lax. Mattel will usually limit orders to two or three per customer, but resellers were able to pick up as many as thirty dolls at a time through other retailers.

Stevie Nicks Barbie Resellers Buy

As you can see, there were a lot of factors that came together to make these Barbies a pretty great opportunity for resellers. It was obvious that a Barbie based off such an iconic figure would sell out, and now the people who missed out are fueling a thriving aftermarket.

Stevie Nicks Barbies Resell

Now that a week has passed since the release of these dolls, we’ve seen a ton of sales for them. Barbie collectors are known for paying incredible amounts of money to have the latest dolls, and it seems like they’ve come out in force for these.

Right now, a Stevie Nicks Barbie is reselling for around $150. eBay has recorded over 600 sales since last Sunday, and it doesn’t seem like the market is slowing down.

These dolls come just a few days after the release of the extremely popular Pink Magnolia Dia de Muertos Barbies, and are the just the latest in a long line of popular Barbies sold this year. The Barbie movie was obviously a huge boost for the brand, but resellers have known for a while just how much money can be made by flipping Barbies.

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