Aldi Exclusive Prime X Drinks Resell Online

Thank you, Mavericks

Prime X Hydration Contest Reseller Aldi

By RC Staff

Key Points

  • Prime just launched a new flavor: Prime X

  • A special contest is being held for the first person to collect 12 different codes

  • Resellers are flipping the $2 bottles for up to $10

Teenagers across the country were treated to something incredible last week. Logan Paul’s Prime Hydration brand of sports drinks rolled out a brand new flavor along with a special promotion. Four different bottles, seven days, and $1,000,000. Of course, resellers came along with the ride, and many were able to score tons of easy cash by flipping these bottles to Prime fanatics. Let’s take a look.

Prime X Strawberry Lemonade

First, a little backstory. Prime Hydration is the brainchild of YouTubers Logan Paul and KSI. After its launch in 2022, the brand quickly catapulted its way into the hearts and stomachs of two’s largely underage fanbase.

The blend of coconut water, electrolytes and caffeine is optimal for online gaming and browsing Twitter, and the company has really been on a roll with their collaborations. We’ve covered a few, like their LA Dodgers-exclusive flavor.

Special Edition Dodgers Prime Ice Pop Fly

Bottom line? It’s a money printer for everyone involved. The team behind the drink is clearly adept at keeping things exciting.

Last week, a new flavor of Prime launched in the US. Prime X is a Strawberry Lemonade spin on their Hydration formula. This had already released before in the UK, but now Prime has partnered with Aldi to bring it to the states.

Prime X was released exclusively through Aldi in four different bottle designs. There are standard blue and pink options, as well as “holographic” variants of each. Each bottle costs $2.

Prime Hydration X Flavor Contest

Blue, white, and pink? Is this Logan Paul’s way of coming out as a trans ally during Pride Month? There’s all kinds of surprises out there.

Anyways, aside from the different designs in bottles, Prime is also running a special promotion all summer long. Under the caps of these flavors are twelve different codes. Customers have to collect and put together the codes through Prime’s website to unlock a map (X marks the spot).

Once they’ve assembled the full collection, they win. A prize pool of $1,000,000 will be split between all winners at the end of the contest period in August.

Prime X Rare Code

Now that doesn’t sound too hard right? Buy a few packs of Prime, pour it down the drain, get all twelve codes. Anyone can do that.

Well, things are a little more complicated if you look at the contest’s official rules. 11 of the codes are defined as “common”, and Prime claims in a simple 1:11 rarity.

But one of the codes required is defined as “rare”, and Prime has published a rarity of 1:3,762,535. That’s a whole lot of bottle caps.

New Prime X Flavor Treasure Map

There’s some more interesting info within the rules if you’re curious. Prime has also published the total number of codes per territory. For the US, there are 1,901,101 for each “common” code, coming to a total of just under 21 million possible entries.

Prime announced back in November that it had sold its billionth bottle, so the numbers published in the concert rules are probably accurate. All in all, this is looking like a tremendously profitable promotion for everyone involved. Speaking of which…

Prime X Bottles Resell

With the promotion in full swing and most locations sold out their Prime X bottles, collectors hoping to claim the $1,000,000 have no choice but to turn to resellers to punch their tickets.

Right now, a bottle of Prime X Hydration Drink is reselling for $5 to $10. Resellers that were able to pick up several bottles at once have made nearly $40 of profit by flipping these.

Prime X Drink for Sale

Will you join in the fun and try to put together the treasure map? Having reviewed the odds ourselves, we’ll just stick to reselling the bottles. Good luck, of course.

And if you want to learn more about reselling opportunities like this, subscribe to our newsletter. We’ve got plenty more just like this, so why not stick around and pick up some tips?

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