Disney Legacy Film Collections Are Going For $2,000 Right Now

How preorders turn into profit

Disney Legacy Animated Film Collection Reseller

By RC Staff

Key Points

  • Disney announced a 100-film collection back in September

  • Preorders opened at $1,500; they wouldn’t ship until November

  • Now the collections are reselling for $2,000

Back in September, Disney dropped a new collection of animated films for the serious collector. 100 of the studios most beloved cartoons from 1937 to 2023 were sold as a single package. At the time they were only available as a preorder, with an expected ship date two months in the future. Resellers were doubtful about their profitability considering the $1,500 price tag, but many still took the chance. Fast forward to now and these collections are not just shipping, but reselling at a huge premium.

Disney Legacy Animated Film Collection

It’s not like a large collection like this is unheard of. Studios occasionally churn them out to cash in on collectors and superfans, but this is still a pretty notable collection.

If you haven’t heard of it, Disney has been in operation for 100 years as of this October. In between overturning various copyright laws and erecting pseudo-feudal estates across the globe, Disney has found the time to make a few films, many of which are found in this collection.

For a full list of animated films included, you can check the (archived) listing here. Pretty much every classic you can think of is on it though, from “Fantasia” (1940) to “Fantasia” (2000), “Frozen”, “Cars”, “Peter Pan”; et cetera. You get the idea. There’s a lot of movies.

The Disney Legacy Animated Film Collection contains 100 Blu-Ray discs of each film included, along with 18 additional Blu-Rays of bonus content from Pixar. The collection is divided into three sections for secure storage.

Also included is a “collectible crystal Mickey ears hat”, a lithograph from “Wish” (a movie that’s not even part of the collection), and a certificate of authenticity. Also included are download codes for all of the movies.

The collection has drawn a bit of flak from fans for a few reasons. For one, the price. The Disney Legacy Animated Film Collection cost $1,500. Not all of the films included are in 4K resolution, and a $15 average price for a Blu-Ray really isn’t that great of a price.

But who cares! It’s something new and expensive to buy! Isn’t that the only thing that really matters here?

The Disney Legacy Animated Film Collection became available for preorder on September 18 exclusively through Walmart. They had an expected ship date of November 14.

Disney Legacy Collections Resell

Now that these collections are finally making their way out of the sweatshop and into the world, it turns out that people actually really want them. Yes, despite all the harping about how they were overpriced and undercooked, you can always count on Disney adults to spend money on things they really don’t need.

After their release, Disney Legacy Animated Film Collections began to resell for around $2,000. Because they’re such a niche product their sales volume is limited but still notable.

Disney Legacy Animated Collection For Sale

For resellers, this release was actually a no-brainer. Sure, $1,500 upfront on a product that people are shitting on seems scary, but it was actually pretty much a zero risk item. Walmart offers full refunds for products within 90 days of their purchase, and eBay allows sellers to make listings for preorders.

The bottom line is that you could (very easily) buy one of these collections from Walmart, then wait until the preorders sell out. Then just make an eBay listing at a markup and wait for some overgrown toddler with money to burn.

If your listing doesn’t sell or the market looks spotty, cancel your preorder, pull the listing, and get your money back. This was a great opportunity for anyone who could let $1,500 hang for a few months, and now it’s proving profitable to the resellers that made preorders.

Do you want to learn more about reselling? Subscribe to our newsletter! We cover all kinds of items, including other preorders like this. The PlayStation Portal controller is another great example of how you can profit off a preorder, and they’re now reselling for $100 or more over what they retailed for.

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