PlaneTags B-17G Bomber

This is the difference between the sale price and resell price. It does not take into account any costs associated with reselling. Things like shipping, storage fees, if applicable.
Sale Price. The price at which the reseller purchased the item.
Resell Price. The price at which the reseller sold the item.

PlaneTags are keychains created from real aircraft parts. The Boeing B-17G Bomber used to create this tag was built in 1945, and was majorly used by 20th Century Fox in many movie and television productions.

🌍 Online
Product released online.
⏲ Instant Flip
Item was purchased, then resold immediately.
💪🏼 Medium
Somewhat challenging to resell.



Surprise Release

PlaneTags released the B-17G Bomber tag via their web store on March 10th, at 2:30 PM PST. Email subscribers were notified of this release. The tag was available to purchase for a retail price of $74.95, although the coupon code “TAG15” took the total order price down to $63.71, with free shipping.

Sold Out

The tag was sold out by 2:35PM PST, just five minutes after the initial release. A majority of PlaneTags fans missed out on purchasing this item, and were forced to turn to the aftermarket to acquire one.

Planetags B17G Sold Out

B-17G Sells For $200

Aftermarket sales began occurring on release day, as many fans had missed out on the release. A quantity of eBay sales occurred in the following week for prices as high as $200.


Hold Duration
Instant Flip
Item was purchased, then resold immediately.
Type Limited Edition
Somewhat challenging to resell.
Brand Planetags
Product released online.


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