Gold Batuuan Spira Disney Gift Card

This is the difference between the sale price and resell price. It does not take into account any costs associated with reselling. Things like shipping, storage fees, if applicable.
Sale Price. The price at which the reseller purchased the item.
Resell Price. The price at which the reseller sold the item.

The Gold Batuuan Spira is a collectible metal Disney gift card that was available exclusively at Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge gift shops. The card itself was free, but needed to be loaded with $100 or more in credit.

🇺🇸 Anaheim, California, United States
Resell happened in Anaheim, California, United States
⏲ Few years
Item was purchased, then resold a few years later.
💪🏽 Hard
Hard to resell.



Word of Mouth

The Batuuan Spira was not advertised on any of Disney’s media channels, and was displayed in various Galaxy’s Edge gift shops from time to time, typically released in batches of 100.


Rare Collectors Item

In the years following the Gold Spira being discontinued, aftermarket prices skyrocketed, with collectors commonly paying over $100 for these empty gift cards that were initially free. 

Gold Batuuan Spira Gold For Sale eBay


Hold Duration
A few years
Item was purchased, then resold a few years later.
Hard to resell.
Type Hype
Brand Star Wars
Anaheim, California, United States
Resell happened in Anaheim, California, United States


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